Support Thrasher

Mountain Education Foundation

Mountain Education Foundation

The Mountain Education Foundation supports the three Signal Mountain Schools so that we can keep fundraisers to a minimum. Please support MEF!

School Bucks (Food City)

Last year, we cashed in 150,000 points at BI-LO to purchase technology and art supplies. Now, BI-LO is gone, and Food City is offering their School Bucks. One really nice perk of School Bucks is this: Instead of earning points to shop in a catalogue, Food City simply sends us cash!

To participate, please register your Food City ValuCard with Thrasher. Here’s how: Take our bar code (from your child’s backpack or print one here: School Bucks) and your ValuCard to Food City next time you go. The cashier can link the two with a swipe. Or, you can link them online at (Our school code is 60146.)


We depend heavily on our volunteers! Please be involved with us!

Read to a child, listen to a child read, help with technology, help in the workroom, beautify the grounds, shelve books in the library, or assist the younger grades in the cafeteria (why are putting milk in envelopes and yogurt in floppy tubes in the 21st century?) There are numerous ways for you to use your talents here. Please come in!

Box Tops and Coke Rewards

With nearly 600 children at Thrasher, these little things add up quickly. Please take time to send them! Thank you!

My Coke Rewards Box Tops

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